If it is the first time you are trying to rent a house in Addis Ababa, you may face unfamiliar challenges. The relationship between a property owner and renter is like keeping a job than paying for a product. The first thing you need to do is locate an area in Addis Ababa where you desire to stay in a rented house. If the area is Bole Addis Ababa, it is wise to contact the best property portal in Ethiopia. They will help you to locate houses for rent in Bole Addis Ababa . Though they would help, you can also try from your side to find the best rental property. Let us see how to look for rental properties in Addis Ababa. Do some research When you enter a property portal, you will find various rental houses listed there. To locate the best, you need to do some research. First, you need to know the locality and do not think of a short-term stay. Second, you need to find out if the house is family-friendly. Third, you also need to know the distance that you and your kids h...